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Embracing Diversity: Celebrating the International Day for Persons With Disabilities

Every Year on December 3rd, the world celebrates International Day for Persons With Disabilities. This day serves as a powerful reminder to recognize and honor the rights and dignity of individuals who experience disabilities. The THEME this year is ‘’Amplifying the Leadership of Persons With Disabilities for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future.’’


The significance of this day goes beyond mere acknowledgement, it embodies a movement towards acceptance and equality. It reminds us that individuals with disabilities are a vital part of our communities and they too deserve equal opportunities to thrive. Education plays a crucial role in fostering understanding and breaking down misconceptions about disabilities, it allows and strengthens inclusivity and lays the foundation for employment and livelihood.


Disability is part of being human is integral to the human experience and is inevitable. It results from the interaction between health conditions such as dementia, blindness or spinal cord injury, and a range of environmental, crash, war, gender-based violence and abuse, and personal factors. An estimated 1.3 billion people – or 16% of the global population - experience a significant disability today, nearly 240 million children in the world today have some form of disability. According to the UN more than 80 million Africans are disabled, and people disabled in Sierra Leone are estimated to be approximately 490,000(10% of the population). 2/3 of people with disabilities in Sierra Leone live in rural areas, and 33 per cent live in urban areas. Across all ages, women have slightly higher rates of disability compared to men. Different types of disabilities such as - vision impairment, hearing impairment, little people,  aged, mental health conditions, autism spectrum disorder, and physical disability, this number is growing because of an increase in noncommunicable diseases, war, environmental disasters, crashes and people living longer. Persons With Disabilities are a diverse group, and factors such as sex, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity and economic situation affect their experiences in life and their health needs. Persons With Disabilities dies earlier, have poorer health, and experience more limitations in everyday functioning than others.


Moreover, the workplace must also adapt to embrace diversity and inclusion, especially for persons with disabilities. Employers are encouraged to provide support for persons with disabilities as part of their entry-level positions and support systems that cater for employees with disabilities to C-suite. There should be no limits, just possibilities. Disabilities are not Barriers, all abilities deserve respect.


While progress has been made there’s still much to be done. Advocacy for disabilities tends to be critical.

Some Problems faced by person with Disabilities are limited accessibility-: Access to public spaces, transportation and medical, homes and employment remain a persistent challenge for person with disabilities. In Sierra Leone, we have the Person With Disability Act 2011, which seeks to prohibit discrimination against person with disabilities, achieve equalization of opportunities, establish the National Commission for Person With Disabilities and to provide for other related matters, yet; the implementation of its provisions is challenging as it by piece-meal. 


On the International Day for Persons With Disabilities, let’s be champions of inclusiveness, diversity and inclusion, each of us has a difference to make. As we move forward, let's embrace every individual regardless of their challenges to have a better place and society. I do believe that if a person living with disability, it doesn’t mean that they are not able, so we need to stop stereotyping and create an inclusive society.


In Conclusion, the international day for person with disabilities is a day of call to action and reflection. Together we can create a society that values diversity and empower every individual to enhance their full potential. Working together can make a better world.


I’ll recommend that let’s be an ambassador of inclusiveness and let them (person with disabilities) know that we’re there; if they need anything and let’s make sure we’re around to show them that as well. The smallest of action can make huge difference, checking in with them to see how their day is going, even if they aren’t able to convey what they want and need. Support system are vital. Let’s motivate them, be supportive and encouraging, connect them with inspirational peers, who have successfully achieved their goals can be a living proof that success is attainable, even in the face of adversity.


"Regardless of your role, personally seeking out opportunities to vocalize your support for hiring, promoting, and sponsoring people with disabilities is the best action any individual who cares about this issue can take" Lisa B. Baird and Victoria S. Reese .

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