Network AID advocates for a healthy, safe, inclusive, and corrupt-free society where the right of women and girls, youths, persons with disabilities and deprived children are recognized, respected, and identity protected.Network AID - Anti Corruption Conference

International Youth Anti-Corruption Conference 2025

The fight against corruption cannot be achieved without the youth being the central piece. 1500 youth activists, musicians, creative artists, journalists,  bilateral and multilateral organisations, donors representatives, international anti-corruption campaigners and advocates will be gathered to showcase their work in curbing corruption and put forward recommendations for action to leading anti-corruption institutions, governments, united nations, global south and global north.


The international youth anti-corruption conference is open to individuals, nonprofit, students, government, media, persons with disability, un agencies

Registration Fees

Early Bird: 2,030$

Late Bird: 2,530$

Standard: 2,380$


Persons With Disability:1600$

All registration includes reserved hotel bookings, conference kit ( T-Shirt, Cap, Bag, Pen, Note Pad) Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Tea break, Social Evening and Site Seeing Tour.

Registration open here soon  keep checking

Registration Confirmation

Once registration payment is received, a confirmation and invitation letter outline details will be sent. We will support in facilitating your visa and other travelling documents.


COVID-19 Procedures and Regulations 

 For all COVID-19 procedures and regulations check here

VISA Application

Sierra Leone through the Sierra Leone Immigration Department allow visa-on-arrival. Click here  for all visa application payment, exemption, gratis and visa-on-arrival

Conference Date

 7th-9th December 2024.

Important Dates

Registration Open -

Registration End -

Registration Payment -

Applying for a Visa -

Registration Cancellation -

Registration Cancellation refund (10%) -

Abstract Submission Start -

Abstract Submission End -

Full Submission Start -

Full Submission End -

Scholarship Application Open -

Scholarship Application End -

Conference Presentation

Delegate or person wishes to do  workshops, presentations, or dialogue  MUST submit an abstract of not more than three hundred words (300) on only one of the conference topics below with empirical evidence and a tangible solution



We are offering limited full and partial scholarship to deserving delegate after submitting a schlarahip application advancing the need, relevance, circumstances, contribution to and from the conference

Keep check for schlarship application here


Funding, sponsorship and collaboration are solicited from all International organisations, United Nations Agencies, Bilateral and Multilateral Organisations, Embassies, Private corporations, and Philanthropists that support, and advocate for youth involvement in the fight against corruption 

Sponsorship Requirements

1. Media Sponsor

2. Full Sponsor

3. Partial Sponsor

4. Delegate Sponsor

Get in touch via +23278195696

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