Network AID advocates for a healthy, safe, inclusive, and corrupt-free society where the right of women and girls, youths, persons with disabilities and deprived children are recognized, respected, and identity protected.Network AID - Our Press Release

Our Press Releases

26th March 2024

Call for the Submission of Financial Statement 2023

Network AID calls on all budgetary agencies to adhere to section 86 (1) of the Public Financial Management Act 2016 by submitting their financial statement 2023 to the Auditor General on or before the 31st March 2024

Call for the Submission of Financial Statement 2023 to the Auditor General
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8th March 2024

IWD 2024: A call for Investment and Recognition of Illiterate women

From 1909 to 1975 to date tremendous effort has been made yet it looks like a drop in the ocean...

Network AID Press Release International Women's Da
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17th January 2024

Condemn Social Media Posts on Military Attack

Network AID joins the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Information and Civic Education to vehemently condemn the social media posts audio and videos of military personnel attacks or protests.

Network AID Condemn Social Media Post on Military Attack.pdf
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12th August 2022 

International Youth Day

Youth across the globe are innovators, activists, security personnel, medical doctors, volunteers, and teachers yet 90% of youths, children, and women across the world are caught up in war, starvation, illnesses, road accidents, political violence, imprisonment for minor offenses, economic crisis, unemployment, irregular migration, sex trade, trafficking, organ trade among others.

International Youth Day 2022
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16th January 2024

Network AID Message on Israel and Palestine

...Protect the historical literacy of Palestine... among other humanitarian issues...

Network AID Message on Israel and Palestine.pdf
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22nd November 2022

World Toilet Day

WASH Net and Network AID call on:

Council: to (1) embark on intensive community awareness on solid and faecal waste management; (2) Identify community drop sites (3) Popularize the Nuisance and Prohibited Use of Public Places Bye-Laws.

Companies: to (1) provide funds to councils for solid waste management, (2) embark on recycling.

Government: to (1) increase council allocation on waste management, (2) procurement waste management equipment for councils, ...

World Toilet Day
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16th September, 2022.

16th September to Serve As National Legal Identity Day

16th September 2022, marks the fourth year of commemorating Legal Identity For All a campaign pioneered by ID4Africa in recognition of the Sustainable Development Goal 16.9 which calls for Legal Identity For All by 2030.

Call for 16th September to Serve as National Identity Day
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4th February 2024

World Cancer Day #CloseTheCareGap.

Cancer has been the second leading cause of death Worldwide with 10 million people dying from cancer with 70% of cancer deaths occurring in low-medium countries. Network AID joins the call to Close the Care Gap that exists

Network AID Press Release World Cancer Day
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22nd March 2023

World Water Day  

United Nations after forty (40) or more years for the first time held a water conference in 2023, this is an indication of the global importance of water in contributing to peace and health. Network AID wants to draw the attention of the government to countries like 1Malta, Greece, San Marino, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Iceland, New Zealand, Kuwait, and Singapore that have invested hugely and prioritize water for all its citizens (100%). It’s time for the government of Sierra Leone to invest more in WASH than ever. Investing in human capital development "education" with the probability of having a sick nation is a lost investment. Network AID joins the world to reflect on the strides made and challenges faced with by all (human, animal, plant) daily to access water. 226% of the world's population doesn't have access to safe drinking water and 46% lacks access to basic sanitation.

World Water Day 2023 Press Release
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7th September, 2022

Call for Defaulting MDAs to Submit Financial Statement

Section 119(2) of the 1991 Constitution mandates the Auditor-General to audit the Public Accounts of Sierra Leone and all public offices including the courts, the accounts of the central and local government administrations, the universities and public institutions of like nature, any statutory corporation, company or other body or organization established by an Act of Parliament or statutory instrument or otherwise set up partly or wholly out of Public Funds.

Default Institution to Submit Financial Statement for Auditing
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