Network AID advocates for a healthy, safe, inclusive, and corrupt-free society where the right of women and girls, youths, persons with disabilities and deprived children are recognized, respected, and identity protected.Network AID - Our Policy Briefs

Our Policy Briefs

Policy Brief:

Closing the Mental Health Gaps in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone faces significant challenges in addressing mental health issues, stemming from a history of conflict, trauma, and limited resources. The Mental Health Solidarity Collective advocates for comprehensive measures to close the gaps in mental health care and support across the nation. This policy brief outlines key recommendations to advance mental health services in Sierra Leone, emphasizing collaboration between civil society, government entities, and international partners

“…with the establishment of a National Mental health Taskforce, we will as a government continue to invigorate our commitment to reaching the last man and woman with access to mental health services.” H.E. Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh, Vice President of of Sierra Leone

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Policy Brief - Closing the Mental Health Gaps in Sierra Leone
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Policy Brief:

Accelerating The Recruitment of Female Teachers' to Promote and Address Barriers to Girls Education

Education for All Coalition Sierra Leone (EFAC-SL)is a national education chapter and partner to Global Partnership for Education.  EFAC-SL advocates for the rights to education for all. The right to education is reinforced through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 4) - a global committment to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all and promote to promote lifelong learning. With funding from UNGEI, EFAC-SL in collaboration with Plan Internatinal Sierra Leone is implementing the Girls at the Center Initiatives with the overal goal to achieve gender equality in schools by creating a productive and empoering environment for girls in the communities and schools. 

This advocacy policy brief looked at:

1. School Related Gender Based Violence

2. Child Marriage & FGM

3. Discriminatory Social Norms

4. Distance to Schools

5. Education Poverty

6. Positive Role Modeling

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