Network AID advocates for a healthy, safe, inclusive, and corrupt-free society where the right of women and girls, youths, persons with disabilities and deprived children are recognized, respected, and identity protected.Network AID - Our Blog
Network AID
4 min read

Challenges and Solutions to the Drug Problem Affecting Young People in Sierra Leone

Solutions Addressing drug addiction among young people in Sierra Leone requires a comprehensive approach that involves multiple stakeholders, including the government, communities, families, and educational institutions, development  partners, traditional & religious leaders. Some potential strategies and interventions that can be considered include:
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Network AID
4 min read

End Harmful Practices Equality Now Engages Government and Other Stakeholders to End FGM

... Asenath Mwithigah further revealed that the Government of Sierra Leone has pledged to review the Child Rights Act, end Child Marriage as well as include FGM in the school curriculum among others, all aimed at ending FGM for minors and reiterated the need to hold discussions with all stakeholders to reach a common ground on the issue. She informed that "the position of the Government of Sierra Leone is that it is willing to end FGM" and clarified that her organization forms partnerships with CSOs on the ground to end FGM, disclosed that they also held discussions with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), UN Women, Purposeful Production, the Amazonian Initiative Movement and WAVES among other CSOS in Sierra Leone. Asenath Mwithigah, "FGM is a human rights violation, pointing out that the death of the woman is one of such cases while many others are unreported underscoring that three suspects were arrested by the Police and released for lack of sufficient evidence, that there is a huge disconnect between investigation and prosecution and underscored the vital role of CSOs to end the practice that cannot be eliminated now but gradually and continued that people in the provinces, where the practice is widespread, must be continually sensitized". She also stated that "there is a lot of correlation between Sierra Leone and Kenya on FGM although there are different types of FGM practiced in Kenya and observed that women are angry that FGM, that used to be a taboo, is now discussed in the open", suggested that Sierra Leone should proffer alternatives to the practice and asserted that poverty plays a key role to promote FGM.
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Network AID
6 Feb 2022 12:1611 min read

130 Organisations Signed Petition To Criminalise Female Genital Mutilation In Sierra Leone 

As part of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, all countries - including Sierra Leone - are duty-bound to measure the extent to which FGM occurs amongst their population. It is vital that information is gathered and made publically available. Such data is invaluable in efforts to end FGM because it makes clear the need for action, and provides a baseline from which the scale up and effectiveness of interventions to end it can be measured. Importantly, by criminalizing FGM, Sierra Leone’s government would be meeting their committments to the African Union’s Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa (the Maputo Protocol) and to the UN Convention on the Elimination Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). We, the undersigned, call on the Government of Sierra Leone to honor its national, regional, and international human rights obligations and finally fulfill its duty of care in protecting girls and women from FGM. SIGNED BY: 1. A Girl At A Time Sierra Leone 2. A Well Informed Adolescent (AWA) Initiative (Nigeria) 3. Aberdeen Women’s Centre (Scotland) 4. African Women Rights Advocates (regional) 5. Amazonian Initiative Movement (AIM) (Sierra Leone) 6. AMFE (Association pour le Maintien des Filles à l'École) (Senegal) 7. Arab Women Organization of Jordan (AWO) 8. Association Beogo-Neere (Burkina Faso) 9. Association de Developpement Durable et Equitable ADDE (Tunisia) 10. Association des Blogueurs du Bénin (AB-Bénin) 11. Association des Femmes Juristes de Côte D'Ivoire (AFJCI) 12. Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL) 13. Association Mairie des Jeunes du Bénin 14. Association pour l'Education et la Santé de la Femme et de l'Enfant (AESFE) (Mauritania) 15. Better Lives Foundation (Sierra Leone/ UK) 16. Bai Bureh Heritage Foundation (Sierra Leone) 17. Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (CDHR) 18. Centre de Formation en Mécanismes de Protection des Droits Humains (Bénin) 19. Coalition des Volontaires pour la Paix et le Développement (Democratic Republic of the Congo) 20. Commission Indépendante des Droits de l'Homme en Afrique du Nord (CIDH) (Morocco) 21. Conseil National du Dialogue Social (Tunisia) 22. Construisons Ensemble le Monde (ONG CEM) (Democratic Republic of the Congo) 23. Cotton Tree Foundation SL (Sierra Leone) 24. DAPTAR (Russia) 25. David Sylvister Gindeh Memorial Counselling Foundation SL (Sierra Leone) 26. Droits Pour Tous (Côte d'Ivoire) 27. EducAid (Sierra Leone) 28. Education for Development (UK) 29. End FGC Singapore 30. End FGM Canada
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Network AID
3 min read

Speaker of Sierra Leone Parliament Shares Concern to Outlaw FGM

SPEAKER OF SIERRA LEONE PARLIAMENT SHARES CONCERN TO OUTLAW FGM Following a Petition submitted to the Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu in his Chambers at Parliament Building by Anti-FGM Campaigners led by Rugiatu Nenneh Koroma nee Turay on 03/02/2022 for onward transmission to the Head of State, and Leaders of political parties in Parliament, with a view to outlawing FGM practices in Sierra Leone, excluding the Bondo Society, Dr. Bundu said he had consented to the task of presenting the memorandum to the Head of State as well as to the Leaders of political parties in Parliament on behalf of Anti-FGM Campaigners.
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Network AID
3 min read

Unanswered Questions On Female Genital Mutilation 

As a man, father, human rights activist and founder of Network AID, i am hurt by unaswered questions related to FGM. I will be greatful if answers are provided to these questions below:  1. What the medical, physical, mental, economic and educational benefits of cutting the clictoris ? 2. Is the Creator made mistake to a fix clictoris on female that other female desperate to remove it? 3. Is clictoris a curse or a blessing to either sex? 4. Is religion ordain the cutting of clictoris? 5. What calamity does removing the clictoris prevent women and girls from? 6. What harm clictoris poses to men? 7. Is reforming (harm) tradition poses treat to existence? As we commemorate zero tolerance to FGM today across the world. Network AID uses this to pay tributes to those lives lost to FGM and those battling to survive it due to it complications and stand with those who have survived and now calling for it to STOP.
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IEC Directorate NCRA
11 min read

NCRA Holds Data Protection Validation Meeting

(Freetown, Tuesday, 18 January 2022) The National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) has held a one-day national meeting to validate the draft Data Protection Policy, Bill and Regulation at the New Brookfields Hotel, Jomo Kenyatta Road, Freetown. The meeting was geared towards ensuring having a national document on Data Protection Policy in the country that is consultative and reflective of the views and various critical inputs of all stakeholders involved in the management of Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Identity Management as well as its related issues in the country. Also, it is important to note that the validation process was not unconnected to the regional stakeholders’ consultative meetings undertaken by the NCRA and its partners in the last quarter of 2021, to elicit valuable contributions and views of participants from around the country on the draft documents “While our professional Legal Team will present to us today valuable inputs from stakeholders that cultivated consensus on critical issues debated throughout the period of consultation, I am confident that by the end of this validation, this plenary will be in a position to proffer better advice to Government on the model to adopt in establishing and managing a Data Protection Law and structure in Sierra Leone, consistent with International best practice,” the DG said. "While we cannot afford to be left behind technologically, at the same time, we cannot be unguarded in terms of protection of information we provide.” The UNDP Country Representative noted. In complimenting the efforts of other development partners especially the EU and the UNDP, Ambassador Claire Buckley stated that, their support to NCRA focuses on four main areas: Support the development, review and harmonization of laws relating to CRVS, enhance the interoperability of NCRA database with other institutions, support public awareness about CRVS, especially its link with voter registration, and support the capacity of NCRA staff to deliver efficient and effective CRVS services Mr. Swaray informed participants that President Bio is determined to bridge the digital divide as he wants to leave behind a digitally inclusive Sierra Leone, where every Sierra Leonean would be able to compete in the global digital space. He thanked development partners especially the UNDP and the Irish Aid for their unflinching support towards the entire process. Minister of Information & Communication. A PowerPoint presentation on the Data Protection Policy and Bill was done by a team of national legal consultants in the person of Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai Esq and Augustine S. Marrah Esq. Source: IEC Directorate NCRA
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Rugiatu Nenneh Turay
7 min read

Sign The Petition Criminalise Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) In Sierra Leone

Sign The Petition Criminalize Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) In Sierra Leone Having 100+ signatories is a good sign. On 20 December 2021, 21-year-old Maseray Sei died from acute bleeding and shock a day after being subjected to FGM, and this was confirmed by the post-mortem carried out on 14 January 2022. A few days following Maseray’s death, in a different region, a 15-year-old girl was admitted to hospital for urgent treatment after suffering serious complications due to FGM... Sierra Leone has one the highest FGM prevalence rates in Africa, with 83% of women aged between 15 and 49 years having undergone the procedure according to the 2019 Demographic Health Survey. Internationally recognized as a gross human rights violation, FGM involves the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. It is a form of violence against women and girls, a manifestation of gender inequality and discrimination, and recognized by the United Nations as a form of torture. Sierra Leone’s government is failing in its duty to protect women and girls from FGM Despite the harm caused by FGM, the Government of Sierra Leone has failed to criminalize the practice. The country’s penal code does not specifically address FGM in its legislation and there have been no known prosecutions relating to FGM... The failure to criminalize FGM has been further aggravated by a widespread lack of political will to end this harmful practice and the failure by the State to explicitly condemn FGM. Following the death from FGM of 19-year-old Fatmata Turay in 2016, 10-year-old Marie Kamara, and Maseray’s recent death, organisations in Sierra Leone campaigning against FGM wrote each time to the President and Attorney General but never received a reply. This silence is deafening. Of particular concern is how various politicians seeking election have made political pronouncements in support of FGM, with some even offering to pay for women and girls to be cut. Sierra Leone must urgently enact and enforce a comprehensive anti-FGM law The signatories of this open letter call on the Government of Sierra Leone, President Bio, and Attorney General Mohamed Lamin Tarawalley Esq. to urgently introduce a law that explicitly bans FGM, puts in place adequate measures to protect against and eliminate FGM, and gives survivors and the families of victims a means to access justice. We strongly condemn the actions of politicians who are supporting FGM. We also commend those politicians and other duty bearers who have spoken out and taken action against the practice,... We, the undersigned, call on Sierra Leone’s government to honor its national, regional and international obligations and finally fulfil its duty of care in protecting girls and women from FGM. Petition: Courtesy of FAHP
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4 min read

ID4Africa Unveils 2022 Ambassador Class: Increased Female & Senior-level Representation 

ID4Africa Unveils 2022 Ambassador Class: Increased Female & Senior-level Representation Paris, France, 26 January 2022 – ID4Africa announces the appointment of 84 senior-level African government officials representing 48 countries to its 2022 Ambassador Class- which is subject to the quota of 1 Ambassador and 1 Deputy per country. This impressive increase from 65 appointees in 2021 reflects an unequivocal endorsement of the program by African Governments and a clear recognition of the important role the Ambassadors play in the identity ecosystem. The 2022 Ambassador Class stands out for several reasons, not least among which is the notable increase in female representation, from 24% in the previous year to 32% this year. This reflects the leadership’s recognition of the importance of women in the Movement and is the result of a vigorous campaign to recruit qualified female leaders. Additionally, the 2022 Ambassadors Program was expanded at the request of several African governments to allow all African countries, regardless of population size, to appoint two individuals (instead of one as in previous years) to the ID4Africa Ambassadors Office—one Ambassador and one Deputy. This interest in increased senior-level representation is a clear indication that these countries are eager to actively direct and engage with the Movement to ensure it is responsive to their identification needs. The Ambassadors Program is essentially Africa taking identity matters into its own More information: Media Contact: Stefane Daley
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Alfred Fofanah
4 min read

Sierra Leone Lunches National Migration 

Sierra Leone Launches National Migration Policy The Government of Sierra Leone has formally launched the National Migration Policy with support from IOM, on 20 January 2022. The policy contains a comprehensive framework to improve and enforce administrative and legislative procedures towards migration’s management in Sierra Leone. It sets out several prescriptions on how to address some of the issues towards migration governance in the country. Over the years in Sierra Leone, the governance of migration has been quite challenging as the country continues to grapple with responding to the consequences and impact of both regular and irregular migration. This is compounded by Sierra Leone’s comprehensive policy framework within which migration processes are governed. “In Sierra Leone, young people see migration as a way out of poverty. Therefore, migration is becoming a threat to national development, peace, and security if it is not well managed” said Mangeh Sesay, who represented IOM Sierra Leone at the launch ceremony... “One of the ways to ensure citizens critical potentials can be utilized for their individual and national development is to ensure that the state promotes, and safeguard as requires the free movement of individuals both internally and externally of the country”, the chief minister explained. The Migration Policy addresses issues related to diaspora engagement, border management, internally displaced persons, asylum seekers, return and reintegration, migration and national disasters, statelessness, human trafficking among others. Source: Alfred Fofanah IOM Sierra Leone
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Rugiatu Nenneh Turay Executive Director AIM
7 min read

How Many More Before Action Is Taken?

1. HOW MANY MORE 🔪 BEFORE ACTION IS TAKEN? 2. Who benefits from carrying out Female Genital Mutilation / Cutting (FGM/C)? I wake up with these two questions above in my mind after pondering the whole night on the spate of FGM in the Country and the untold disability it has caused in the lives of so many women and girls. I thought of the 15-year-old at the Kailahun government hospital with a catheter and leaking parts because her parents chose to have her cut. The lifeless body of the 21-year-old lying in the Bo Government Hospital mortuary awaiting an autopsy haunts my thoughts. She gave in to peer and societal pressure, little knowing the real and for her, fatal consequences of being cut. In Rosengbeh village Koya chiefdom where the Amazonian Initiative Movement (AIM) is presently constructing a modern primary school after removal of a bondo bush... We have reports of many girls who are of school-going age who could not sit their last NPSE exams because they were taken into the bondo Bush for initiations... In 2017 a 19-year-old Fatmata Turay died in Makeni and a 28-year-old was forcefully cut in Kenema of the same year. A 10-year-old died in Mile 91 in 2019 of the same shock and excessive bleeding. My cousin Fatmata Baby Turay died of tetanus after being Mathaska village. In Kontha Village, a woman pregnant in her six months was cut and died of shock and excessive bleeding. How many more? ... In all of these cases mentioned above, I have not heard of the daughter of neither a politician nor an educated or prominent person or a medical person involved. This fight to end FGM should be the business of everybody, men and women. Rugiatu Neneh Turay anti FGM campaigner AIM
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Kiran Chalise
14 min read

Policy Paradox on Education in Nepal - Kiran Chalise

...The disability rates for males and females are 4.2 percent and 3.0 percent respectively. Of all persons with some kind of disability, 29.2 percent are physically disabled, 22.3 percent have visual related disability, 23.4 percent hearing related disability, 2.4 percent vision/hearing related disability, 8.6 percent speech related disability, 6.8 percent mentally retarded and 7.3 percent have multiple disability (Living Standard Survey, 2011). However, about two percent (1.93%) that is 513,321 in total populations) is reported to have some kind of disability. Among this, physical disability constitutes 36.3 percent of the population with disability followed by Blindness/low Vision (18.5%), Deaf/hard to hearing (15.4%), Speech problem (11.5%), Multiple Disability (7.5%), Mental Disability (6%), Intellectual Disability (2.9%) and Deaf-Blind (1.8%).
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Network AID
3 min read


Peacebuilding and women: The missing voices. Melvin Sharty shares why world leaders and national governments should prioritize women's voices during emergencies. Melvin works for Network Movement for Democracy and Human Rights leading project management and implementation.
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