Network AID advocates for a healthy, safe, inclusive, and corrupt-free society where the right of women and girls, youths, persons with disabilities and deprived children are recognized, respected, and identity protected.Network AID - Our Blog
Network AID
4 min read

Mitigating the Economic Impact of Illegal, Unregulated,and Undocumented Fishing Practice in Sierra Leone

Illegal, unregulated, and undocumented fishing practices can have severe economic impacts on coastal communities and national economies. Sierra Leone, like many other countries, faces challenges in addressing this issue. Here are some strategies to mitigate the economic impact of these practices: ... By implementing a comprehensive strategy that combines legal measures, enforcement, community engagement, and international cooperation, Sierra Leone can mitigate the economic impact of illegal, unregulated, and undocumented fishing practices.
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Network AID
6 Feb 2022 12:1611 min read

130 Organisations Signed Petition To Criminalise Female Genital Mutilation In Sierra Leone 

As part of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, all countries - including Sierra Leone - are duty-bound to measure the extent to which FGM occurs amongst their population. It is vital that information is gathered and made publically available. Such data is invaluable in efforts to end FGM because it makes clear the need for action, and provides a baseline from which the scale up and effectiveness of interventions to end it can be measured. Importantly, by criminalizing FGM, Sierra Leone’s government would be meeting their committments to the African Union’s Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa (the Maputo Protocol) and to the UN Convention on the Elimination Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). We, the undersigned, call on the Government of Sierra Leone to honor its national, regional, and international human rights obligations and finally fulfill its duty of care in protecting girls and women from FGM. SIGNED BY: 1. A Girl At A Time Sierra Leone 2. A Well Informed Adolescent (AWA) Initiative (Nigeria) 3. Aberdeen Women’s Centre (Scotland) 4. African Women Rights Advocates (regional) 5. Amazonian Initiative Movement (AIM) (Sierra Leone) 6. AMFE (Association pour le Maintien des Filles à l'École) (Senegal) 7. Arab Women Organization of Jordan (AWO) 8. Association Beogo-Neere (Burkina Faso) 9. Association de Developpement Durable et Equitable ADDE (Tunisia) 10. Association des Blogueurs du Bénin (AB-Bénin) 11. Association des Femmes Juristes de Côte D'Ivoire (AFJCI) 12. Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL) 13. Association Mairie des Jeunes du Bénin 14. Association pour l'Education et la Santé de la Femme et de l'Enfant (AESFE) (Mauritania) 15. Better Lives Foundation (Sierra Leone/ UK) 16. Bai Bureh Heritage Foundation (Sierra Leone) 17. Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (CDHR) 18. Centre de Formation en Mécanismes de Protection des Droits Humains (Bénin) 19. Coalition des Volontaires pour la Paix et le Développement (Democratic Republic of the Congo) 20. Commission Indépendante des Droits de l'Homme en Afrique du Nord (CIDH) (Morocco) 21. Conseil National du Dialogue Social (Tunisia) 22. Construisons Ensemble le Monde (ONG CEM) (Democratic Republic of the Congo) 23. Cotton Tree Foundation SL (Sierra Leone) 24. DAPTAR (Russia) 25. David Sylvister Gindeh Memorial Counselling Foundation SL (Sierra Leone) 26. Droits Pour Tous (Côte d'Ivoire) 27. EducAid (Sierra Leone) 28. Education for Development (UK) 29. End FGC Singapore 30. End FGM Canada
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Network AID
3 min read


Peacebuilding and women: The missing voices. Melvin Sharty shares why world leaders and national governments should prioritize women's voices during emergencies. Melvin works for Network Movement for Democracy and Human Rights leading project management and implementation.
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