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Network AID

Network AID Engages Schools on Alcohol & Drugs Prevention

With support from FoRuT, Network AID engages eight hundred (800) school pupils on alcohol and drugs prevention.
The message were categorized into the following to ensure the pupils grasped the messages for immediate outcome.
1. What the meaning of alcohol and drugs
2. Different between solid and liquid drugs
3. The effect of alcohol and drug abuse on academic aspirations
4. Testament of the effect of alcohol and drugs
5. Provision on the national alcohol control policy
At the end of the sessions, it was shocking how much the pupils learnt and testimonies shared on the effect of alcohol and drugs on their family, relative, naigbour and even their classmate. "my cousin year 1 student at Fourah Bay College University of Sierra Leone started to take Kush and alcohol and later began to stole his parent money to bought kush and and alcohol and now he has dropped out with a broken leg" boy 10 years class 6. 13 years old girl class 6 said " my brother who was very brilliant student also fell victim of alcohol and kush and presently he is out on the street as a dropped out.
These are few among many shocking testaments. We observed the effect it has on them as they shared their testament. We learnt that the pupils already aware jokingly the effect of alcohol and drugs but needed constant engagement inclusive of family members. We observed that the various schools are surrounded by bar's and ghettos. And students were high during our engagement.
Thank you FoRuT for letting Network AID had such an engagement with schools.
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