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Rainbo Initiative

Too Much To Bear

Network AID in solidarity with Rainbo Initiative and the family of the lost soul and all others that had died as a result of rape, penestration and domestic violence..

It is with heavy hearts that we share the devastating news of the loss of a precious nine-year-old survivor, who passed away on Friday, October 13, 2023.

In our arms, she fought bravely, her tiny body clinging to life, but the weight of her pain was too much to bear. We held her hand, whispered words of comfort, and provided the medical and psychosocial support she needed. But despite our tireless efforts and adherence to our protocols, her injuries were too severe, and she slipped away from us, leaving behind a void that can never be filled.

This beautiful girl, with a radiant smile and dreams as vast as the sky, had her future stolen from her. She was just in primary four, embarking on a journey of education and limitless possibilities. But the darkness of sexual violence cast its shadow upon her innocence, robbing her of the joy and promise that should have accompanied her every step.

Her story is one of unspeakable horror. She was sexually penetrated repeatedly by a trusted neighbour in her village, a man who should have been a protector, not a predator. Day after day, as she walked home from school, he violated her, shattering her spirit and leaving her broken both physically and emotionally.

When she finally found the courage to seek help, we welcomed her with open arms at our Centre.  She was immediately admitted to one of the Government Hospitals in critical condition. The examination revealed a devastating reality—her virginal had been torn in multiple places, causing her to suffer from urine incontinence (passing urine unknowingly), a cruel reminder of the trauma she endured. We provided her with the care and support she deserved, but the wounds ran too deep to heal completely.

Today, as we grieve her untimely departure, we cannot help but feel the weight of the injustice and heartache that surrounds this senseless act of violence. We are reminded of the urgent need to end Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in our society. We refuse to accept a world where innocence is stolen, where dreams are shattered, and where the most vulnerable among us suffer in silence.

Rainbo Initiative is fuelled by a passion to end SGBV in Sierra Leone. We are driven by the belief that everyone, regardless of gender or age deserves a life free from violence and abuse. But we cannot do this alone. We need your support, your voice, your compassion, and your commitment to making our communities safe. Let this tragedy be the catalyst that propels us into action.

We must address the underlying issues that allow such atrocities to persist within our communities. This young girl's story is a painful reminder that Sexual and Gender-Based Violence is not just a statistic; it is a stark reality that lurks in the shadows of our society. We must unite, as individuals and communities to take a stand against SGBV and work towards creating safe spaces for all.

Today, we remember the life of a young girl whose light was extinguished far too soon. Her death serves as a painful reminder that the battle against SGBV is far from over. Let us honour her memory by taking a stand against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and working tirelessly to create a society where no one suffers the pain and trauma she endured.

#EndSGBV #SafeCommunities #TogetherAgainstViolence


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